Lumpy Mail Marketing & Custom Promotional Bags Get Noticed

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Lumpy mail marketing is the use of direct marketing mailers that include an additional item or object that makes it “lumpy” in appearance. This type of mailing is sometimes referred to as dimensional mail which is any type of direct mail that is not flat. It can come in many shapes and sizes including a lumpy envelope, tubes, boxes and custom promotional bags (such as a tote bag that is eye-catching and functional). These mailers stand out from traditional flat mail that can sometimes get lost in a regular stack of mail that is received on a daily basis. The mailers contain unique promotional items that the recipient can use on a regular basis. These marketing items are an ideal way to stand out from the competition and stay top of mind to the person that receives the packaging. 

Why Send Promo Items with Dimensional Mail?

  • Dimensional mail increases the response rate of your direct mail because the shape of the package is intriguing. The person who receives the mail wants to open it and see what is inside the packaging. The unknown aspect of the promotional item entices them to open it and solve the mystery.
  • Lumpy mail marketing can be very cost-effective if it is planned correctly. If you plan on performing mailings on a regular basis, use promotional items that cost less to elongate your budget and also focus more on creativity than price. 
  • One of the keys to this marketing technique is choosing a compelling gift to send to your target audience. Creative marketing items can include tote bags, stress balls, flashlights, journals and other easy to carry, but useful, gadgets and gifts. 

1 Single Promo Item or A Full Custom Promotional Bag

The choice of what to send in your direct mail package is up to you. You can start small, and cast a wider net, by sending only one item. On the other hand, you can send custom promotional bags that contain multiple items that create a larger experience for the target audience. Keep your clients and/or audience in mind in order to decide if one special item will brand your business or if multiple items will give a better idea of the wide range of products and services you offer. Either way, be sure and choose items you want associated with your brand and that represent the image you want to present to consumers. 

Call our experienced design team today about lumpy mail marketing that brands your business.

Contact Us Now for More Information

Phone: 800-356-7925


