How to Personalize Direct Mail Postcards With Variable Data

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Direct mail postcards let you reach your target audience but are you actually making a connection with them? The key to creating a personal connection with your desired customers is variable data printing that allows you to send personalized messages to each individual on your mailing list. Variable data postcards can include customer names, images, copy, and other design elements that personalize your message and make it look like the offer or promotion is specifically targeted to the postcard recipient. The inclusion of this information makes the direct mail campaign more relevant to customers and an effective way to direct their attention to your marketing message.

Ideas for Your Variable Data Postcards

  • Variable data postcards speak directly to your customer and make them feel valued by your business. The idea that you are addressing them by name will increase the chance of consumers making a purchase since the offer is addressed specifically to them. Talking directly to your customer gives the impression that you have their needs, wants, and desires in mind with your message.
  • Since you can vary your offer with variable data printing, try creating unique coupons and discounts and then test them with your audience. For example, you can offer a portion of your mailing list a certain percentage off a product price while others will get a specific dollar amount off or a “Buy One Get One” special. Examine the results to see which offer delivered the best return on your investment. 
  • Consumers appreciate it when you speak their language. Print your message in different languages in order to reach people of different cultures and backgrounds throughout your area or even the rest of the country. 

Variable Data Printing Boosts Sales

The goal of any marketing campaign for a business is to increase sales. Variable data printing has been shown to do just that! 86% of consumers say personalized marketing leads to them making a buying decision while 75% of consumers like it when brands personalize their messaging and offers. Customers want to feel valued and that their favorite companies actually appreciate them as a person (as opposed to being a nameless customer). Personalized messaging builds a connection between your brand and the public to the point where people consider themselves to be an ambassador of your business. Grow your sales, while also growing your customer base, with direct mail postcards that speak to your audience.

Contact our design team today about putting the power of variable data printing to work on your next direct mail campaign.

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