21st Century Direct Mail™

Integrate Google with your Mailing for Better Results!

Watch this 1:25 video before planning a Direct Mail Campaign:

Still not completely clear? Watch this 4:32 video explaining it in more detail.


21st Century Direct Mail™ includes four features in one package. Old-school direct mail only operates on one. 21st Century Direct Mail™ is a seamlessly integrated system that maximizes your marketing impact. Instead of just sending out a direct mailing, 21st Century Direct Mail™ consists of Direct Mail, Mail Tracking, Online Follow-up Ads, and Call Tracking. Here's how it all fits together:

Step 1: Your Mail Pieces Are Sent

Direct mail pieces are mailed to your target market. This tried and true marketing medium produces results by delivering your artfully designed and clearly written marketing message right to your prospect's mailbox.

Step 2: Mail Pieces Are Tracked

Using a cutting edge barcode technology system, we track the mailing process of your order. You can log in anytime to know exactly when your mail pieces are due to arrive, so you can plan for the influx of new customers.

Step 3: Automatic Online Follow-up through Google

Every prospect who visits your website following your direct mail campaign is funneled into an automatic follow-up system. Through our partnership with Google, text and image ads matching your direct mail piece follow your website visitors around the internet after they leave your site. So if prospects don't take the desired action (fill out a form, buy, etc.) on your website the first time, you stay in front of them until they do. No leads left behind. (Dentists and other practices check out 21st Century Direct Mail™ New Patient Edition)

Step 4: Phone Call Tracking

We use a unique phone number to track the number of calls your mailing generates. You can use this data to gauge the effectiveness of different strategies and marketing messages. It also records calls so you can check for quality in your lead reception and sales processes.


"My favorite (part about 21st Century Direct Mail™) is the ability to go back and retrieve phone calls after the fact. This is especially useful when I'm on the road and can't write down information, but can play it back later and update my calendar and contacts accordingly back at the office." - Jeff Eyler

"I have been using 21st Century Direct Mail™ and the dashboard has been awesome, not only did I find out our call routing was taking too long (which I streamlined as a result), but I had several callers that did not leave a message, and I was able to recover and talk to them. They turned out to be the best leads. They just didn't want to leave a message!" - John, Avalon School & Music Center

"We love 21st Century Direct Mail™ because it allows us to reach out to missed opportunities as well as critique how we handle the calls coming in. It has put us more in touch with evaluating how effective not only our mailings are, but how effective we are!" - Gentle Dentistry of Lancaster


Direct mail already works great for me. Why do I need the digital enhancements?

If direct mail is already working well for you, that is all the more reason to upgrade to digital enhancements! The other three facets that are included in 21st Century Direct Mail™ were specifically chosen because they enhance the return on investment from standard direct mail campaigns.

If direct mail hasn't worked for me in the past, will 21st Century Direct Mail™ make any difference?

Absolutely! Many times we find that "failed" direct mail campaigns are actually not failures, but misunderstood results. Most people look at the number of responses they get to judge the effectiveness of their campaigns. But the real way to judge success and failure is return on investment. If you make more than you spent - success! Call Tracking allows you to calculate this data very accurately. And when you do, you will probably find that your campaign was much more of a success than you thought! Plus, Mail Tracking and Online Follow-up Ads help boost the ROI.

Can I turn my current direct mail campaign into a 21st Century Direct Mail™ campaign?

Heck yes! Just let us know you want to and we'll do the rest!

Actual Results from a 21st Century Direct Mail™ Client


21st Century Direct Mail™ is ridiculously inexpensive - just pennies per piece. However, since each campaign is tailored to your specific business, we need to have a quick chat with you about your business before giving you a quote, but don't worry - it's FREE!

We run specials often. Call now for our lowest prices!


Call today at 800-356-7925
or email info@trainorprinting.com

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Let's talk about your project today. Contact us to discuss your specific needs, or submit a Custom Quote Request form. We'll get back to you within 24-48 hours.